Corporate Governance
Our corporate governance system is designed to comply with the regulatory obligations associated with stock exchange listing in Russia as well as to balance the interests of our shareholders, the Board of Directors, Management Board, employees and other stakeholders
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the supreme management body of MTS in which the shareholders participate in the supervision, decision-making and control of the Company. The Board of Directors provides leadership to the Company and is responsible for its long-term success through the organization of an effective general management. In order to increase the efficiency of decisions taken by the Board of Directors, to exercise a detailed preliminary review of the most important issues and to prepare the recommendations there are several Committees under the Board of Directors. A key role in formulating and executing of the Company’s strategy, setting targets, efficient implementation of resolutions of the Board of Directors and day-to-day operative management belongs to the Executive Bodies of the Company — the President (sole executive body) and the Management Board (collective executive body).
Key principles:
- comprehensive protection of shareholder rights and interests;
- information transparency;
- single corporate policy in respect of subsidiaries;
- independence of the Board of Directors in defining the Company’s strategy, approval of business plans and making other important decisions;
- control over management activities;
- compliance with business ethics;
- doing business in a socially responsible way to assure sustainable development of the Company.