IR Contacts

If you have any questions or require further information on MTS, please contact the Investor Relations Department

Address: Investor Relations Department, Mobile TeleSystems, Vorontsovskaya street, Bldg. 5/2 109147 Moscow, Russia.

Phone: +7 (495) 223-20-25


IR Awards

Platinum Winner
MarCom Awards (international)
MTS Group Sustainable Development Report was a platinum winner in the Print Media Annual Report category Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP).
Best Eco Projects
EcoBest Award in Ecology, Energy, and Resource conservation
The MTS Environment Day and Our Planet for Kids projects were named the Best Educational Project and Best Internal Project in the EcoBest Award in Ecology, Energy, and Resource conservation.
Silver award for CSR Reports
LACP Vision Awards
MTS CSR Report received the silver award in the category “Printed report” in the Annual report competition organized by League of American Communications Professionals LLC (LACP)
Best CSR Report
MarCom Awards
MTS CSR Report was named the winner in MarCom Awards administered by the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP)