Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, June 28, 2018
- Notice of MTS PJSC Annual General Shareholders Meeting176kb
- Draft resolutions of MTS PJSC Annual General Shareholders Meeting178kb
- Information and Comments on Issues Submitted for Approval of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of MTS PJSC412kb
- 2017 Annual Report of MTS PJSC4,5mb
- Recommendations of the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC on the profit and loss distribution procedure of MTS PJSC based on the results of 2017 fiscal year291kb
- Opinion report of the auditing commission based on the results of the audit of the 2017 annual report of MTS PJSC, 2017 annual financial statements of MTS PJSC and financial and economic activities of MTS in 2017148kb
- Information on candidates placed on the ballot as nominees for the Board of Directors of MTS PJSC435kb
- Information on candidates placed on the ballot as nominees for the Audit Commission of MTS PJSC153kb
- Information regarding probable of MTS PJSC auditor, 2018302kb
- Restated version of MTS PJSC Charter731kb
- Table changes of MTS PJSC Charter401kb
- Restated version of the Regulations of MTS PJSC Board of Directors568kb
- Table changes of the Regulations of MTS PJSC Board of Directors122kb
- Restated version of the Regulation on remunerations and compensations payable to MTS PJSC Board of Directors members as revised279kb
- Explanatory note to the Restated version of the Regulation on remunerations and compensations payable to MTS PJSC Board of Directors members as revised368kb
- Rationale for Terms and Procedure of MTS PJSC Reorganization by way of merger of STREAM DIGITAL LLC, CCB JSC into MTS PJSC85kb
- Draft agreement on merger of STREAM DIGITAL LLC, CCB JSC into MTS PJSC117kb
- Independent Appraiser’s Report on determination of the market value of MTS PJSC shares243kb
- Calculation of MTS PJSC net asset value according to the accounting records for the last completed reporting period200kb
- Amendments to MTS Charter capital in connection with reorganization67kb
- Amendments to MTS Charter capital in connection with reduction of MTS PJSC charter capital65kb
- Directions to the venue of the AGM of Shareholders of MTS PJSC106kb
- MTS Extract of the BoD Minutes (оn approving the buyback price of MTS PJSC shares)250kb
- MTS Annual Financial Statements 2017 and Report of the Auditor999kb